#166 | irish digest | | [4]

4 Responses to “irish digest”

  1. Martin says:

    How did you manage to get the reflections from the spines in the shade?

  2. Noelle says:

    Fantastic, moody shot! I love, love love, how the shadow points to the Irish Digest book. I bet this would look great in B/W as well.

  3. Laura says:

    Beautiful lighting. This would make an excellent addition to Shoot Your Shelf (http://thenyoudiscover.com/sys/)

  4. HiMY Syed says:

    Quite an instructive shot. And inspiring as well. I tried taking a shot like this, but couldn’t quite it right. Just staring at your photo here and I notice the shading of the 1949 volume against the 1950 one provides me with an idea of how much of an angle I need with the sunlight to make my shot for next time work… Kudos in the mean time.